When Using My Script About
1/3rd Of The Sellers Who Say
“No” To Terms Turn Into A “Yes”
There’s another two CD’s with questions and answers along with the eight CD’s and DVD’s of the training.
Here’s some of the things I covered in this new TERMS System.
With my Pretty House Cash Flow System you’ll learn how to get ownership of beautiful homes in neighborhoods you’ll be proud to be in. The system includes:
- How to work with higher priced houses and totally avoid risk or the fear of making monthly payments you can’t afford. The higher the price the higher the profit.
- A step-by-step start up plan designed for beginners who’ve never bought a house in their life.
- There are two CDs in this system where I interview real sellers and you get to hear both sides of the conversation. You’ll tune in while I pre-screen the sellers and when I hang up I discuss whether I would go see the house or not. If it’s a go, I cover what kind of offers I’d make based on what the seller told me. If they pass my pre-screening test, I’ll go see the house. If not, why bother? The real art is in the pre-screening and knowing what to ask. It’s a 20-year craft I’ve perfected loaded with magic words that get results. You’ll get it all, complete with proven tested scripts to follow. You don’t need to create or write anything. I’ve done it all for you. Just follow each step I’ve laid out and watch it work. It’s literally dot-to-dot.
- How to use land contracts and wrap-around mortgages to buy and sell and why they should be in every real estate entrepreneur’s toolbox.
- Ten things that tell you it’s a deal…before you even see the house!
- How to create solutions for houses with little or no equity that are financed sometimes even over 100%, and create tremendous profit centers for you while getting the seller out of a home nobody else can buy.
- How to eliminate banks from your life forever so you’ll never be at the mercy of a loan committee.
- How to create the most flexible financing there is with no banks or personal liability and create tremendous income streams for you.
- How to set up immediate income, monthly cash flow, and a final payday all from the same deal.
- This is how to get out of your job or low paying business. The frontend checks are great but I’ll work with you to create a monthly residual income from your current income. Then when you step down, you’re covered even if you don’t like working. That’s true financial freedom.
- Low-cost marketing techniques to attract motivated sellers to call you and pre-screening tools so you only deal with the most motivated of the batch. And how to pre-screen them in less than two minutes.
- The secret question to ask every seller to get to their bottom line price instantly.
- How to structure your sale to create enormous incoming payments and cash flow and eliminate defaults and risks.
- How to attract dozens of motivated buyers who can’t qualify at the bank, but are excellent prospects for your no qualifying financing.
- The most common mistakes for all investors to avoid when buying and selling.
- Looking for a home for your family? Most of my students find their dream home while doing deals. Remember, the first example I showed you on the $395,000 house? I didn’t have to sell it. I could have moved in with no money out of pocket, no credit, no personal guarantee, no qualifying, no banks, no committees and no delay. Some do.
- How to find and acquire your next residence in a lovely area without using bank loans, credit or down payments.
- How to take control and start the cash flow with no risk or investment and make huge profits on nice houses even when you pay almost full retail price.
- How to profit from any house, regardless of the underlying financing.
- How to control lovely homes in beautiful neighborhoods in any market in North America without ever owning them, buying them, borrowing money, or incurring risk.
- How to solve sellers’ problems when Realtors®, attorneys, and other real estate investors don’t have a clue.
- Why properties sometimes financed at 90 to 120% are your absolute best deals and give you the best paydays.
- How to handle and overcome all common seller objections.
- How to build credibility and confidence with your seller from day one even if you’re new.
- How to make sure you won’t have to make a monthly payment out of your pocket and never worry about risk again.
In each of these systems, I spend many hours teaching you every aspect of this diverse, yet relatively simple business. There are dozens of word for word scripts so you’ll never have to wonder what to say.
Total Real Value $6,491
Retail Price: $1,997

Don’t worry, if your objective is to cash out quickly and find mortgage ready buyers, I’ve got that covered in my distressed House Cash Flow System which I’ll describe in a minute.
But first, let’s finish the discussion of my new system that’s already fast becoming an industry standard across North America.
But I’m not done yet…You’ll also learn:
- How to handle the taxes and insurance and who should collect them and why. It isn’t you.
- When you should never put someone in your house.
- How to make your buyers the best source of buyers for your next house. Most of my houses are sold to friends or relatives of previous buyers.
- How to get a financial commitment from a prescreened buyer without taking your house off the market. A special agreement I use will allow you to process five buyers on one house with no commitment to any of them. You get to pick and choose the best. If I’d had this agreement 20 years ago it would have saved me a lot of grief.
- The 6 steps to getting your buyer to the closing table whether you’re selling with lease purchase or owner financing.
Stupid mistakes to avoid when selling houses. Each one probably cost me six figures to learn.
The Pretty House Business
But There’s Also The distressed House Business
In my distressed HOUSE CASH-FLOW SYSTEM you’ll get my complete system for making fast cash from single-family houses in the distressed house business. You’ll get step-by-step instructions on…
- How to create a $10,000 paycheck within the first 30 days in business without ever owning a house.
- How to eliminate risk and the need for operating capital while creating a $10,000 a month income without tenants.
- How to pre-screen callers so you can deal with only the cream of the crop. All of the scripts are included.
- How to make sure your repair costs never exceed your estimates (This one discussion could pay for the whole course!) This is assuming you want to do repairs, you certainly don’t have to.
- How to have a house completely rehabbed in less than two weeks, no matter how bad the condition.
- How to make money without ever talking to or meeting with a seller face-to-face.
- How to determine true market value of a single-family house without hiring appraisers.
- A step-by-step guide through the art of making an offer on a single-family house. It took me ten years to perfect this simple system that prevents failure and keeps you from making mistakes. This one part of the manual alone is worth the entire cost.
- How to attract a long list of cash customers eager to buy your junkers, fix them up and sell them for a profit.
- Four simple questions to ask each potential buyer so you can build a list of people ready to snap up every property you have.
- Complete agreements you can use in any state and an entire CD of instructions. You’ll be using this every time you actually take ownership of a property to protect your privacy and keep away the predators.
- Why you never have to do manual labor fixing up plumbing, paint, or repairs on a run-down single-family house and still make $10,000 a month.
- One entire CD dedicated to how to find and pre-screen a real estate agent to put on your team while they’re pre-screening you.
- A guided tour of every component of a house, deciding what should be fixed and how much it should cost to repair.
- Another CD explains how to get all the money you need to buy and fix houses regardless of your personal qualifications. You’ll never use credit or banks and the supply is endless. Of course it only applies if you want to buy and rehab. Wholesaling houses for a quick $10,000 doesn’t require capital, you never buy the house.
By the way, the minimum profit I’ll allow any of my students to make on a retail deal is $30,000. That’s after all expenses are deducted. And that’s the minimum, not the average. If you can’t make $30,000 or more, I can assure you the problem is you. Some little piece was left out. My checklist will prevent those expensive little pieces from costing you money.
You’ll also learn how to make your buyers the best source of buyers for your next house. Most of my houses are sold to friends or relatives of previous buyers.
Then we’ll discuss how to get Realtors® to sell the house for you without you taking all the risk. I’ll show you an easy system to make your house a priority for them so they focus on getting it sold, rather than all the others in their system.
Total Real Value $6,491
Retail Price: $1,997

Accept my offer and you have 30 days to return my Cash Flow Systems
for a 100% refund, if for any reason you don’t feel it’s for you. No reason needed, no questions asked.
In the unlikely event you do return it, you may keep the Big Money In Big Chunks System valued at $997.
There Is Absolutely No Risk
Well, I’ve made my case the best I know how. At this point you’re, either in or out. My life will pretty much go on the same regardless of your decision. How about yours?
Look, this isn’t a life threatening choice. No one will die. Frankly it’s just a small decision among many you’ve made today. I doubt the $1,997 will strain your budget, and I know it won’t make a major impact on mine.
I’m making millionaires all over America and I’ll continue to do it with you or without you. I learned a long time ago…only when the student is ready can the teacher appear.
So lets’ see…
- You get my new Pretty House TERMS System and my distressed House System.
- You get $3,994 in free bonuses and you can keep $997 of them even if you reverse your decision
- You get a full refund if you feel it’s not for you
Tax Deductible…Oh, did I forget to mention? This system is tax deductible if this is your business. That means our good ole’ Uncle Sam, is willing to pay about a third of your investment. Check with your accountant on this, but what it comes down to is a 28% – 35% discount in tax savings since it’s a business expense. Ain’t that neat?
So, Let’s recap…
You get…
- My new Pretty House TERMS $1,497
- distressed House System $1,000
- My new Big Money In Big Chunks System $997
- 90 Day support $497
- $1,000 Rebate Certificate $1,000
- $1,000 Upgrade Certificate $1,000
- A $500 Discount $500
Total Real Value $6,491
Retail Price: $1,997
You are under no obligation to take me up on this offer, but be warned. You’ll not see this offer anywhere else ever again. I honestly believe I’ve just offered you a proven way anyone can earn big bucks in the real estate business…and I guarantee it.
But remember, this is a one-time offer, and you MUST take advantage of this opportunity now as it will not be presented to you again at this price. The $500 discount will expire shortly.
To Your $uccess,
Ron LeGrand
Order Now: $1,997.00
***Refund Policy***
30 Day Money Back Guarantee