Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Weekly Training Recap: AutoResponders


Last night we covered a very boring topic with the intent to make it exciting. AutoResponders are not the “Bling” of real estate investing, but there are where the money is.

What is an AutoResponder?

An AutoResponder is an email system that sends a number of emails at predetermined intervals. Basically, it is your follow-up system on Auto Pilot. You can create a series of emails one time for all your follow-up and then forget about it. Which I have done many of times, forgot about the autoresponder that is.

With our Premium Real Estate Websites, you can use an AutoResponder System like Aweber to create your automatic email follow-ups and incorporate the automatic subscription feature into your Real Estate Website and your website leads will automatically get followed up with, even if you don’t know that it is happening. All you do is add the subscription email address from Aweber to the appropriate locations in your Website Control Center at Real Estate Promo and the rest is automatic.

Premium members can watch the replay of last night’s training call at: https://www.realestatepromo.com/MyAccount/WeeklyTraining/2009-11-23/Default.aspx


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