Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Author: Bill Palte - Clear Search

Pick the Right Tools for the Job


When it comes to all the technology and options that we all now hold at our finger tips, whether we know it or not, it’s important to recognize that because tools exist it’s not a reason to use them! There is a lot of buzz going, especially in a relatively new internet environment, that suggests that your business NEEDS to implement these tools. This message has its pro’s and con’s because it exposes people to new tools, but sends a message that they must be used. Such a message can really overwhelm and confuse investors who are just trying to get a grasp of the tools available. The confusion stems from one undeniable truth.

“Tools are meant to serve a purpose, not the other way around!”

We’ve been working hard to get the message out that it is incredibly essential to get a website (preferably one of ours because they are specifically made for investors with years of experience behind them), but when we pull you into the internet age we are bringing you into a whole Home Depot of tools.

Free Tools:

Everyone hears about using Twitter, Facebook, websites, Craigslist, Backpage, auto-responders, to name a few and really all these should be looked at as tools. These messages don’t just come from real estate investor trainers and bloggers, but also from those who provide information for small businesses as a whole. Messages become mixed and misunderstanding ensues as investors grasp to implement these tools. Unfortunately, they go against this undeniable truth, use the tools incorrectly, become disenchanted, and never pick up the tool again.

To avoid this undesirable outcome it is important to read what you can and educate yourself on the tools available. We try our best to provide information on these tools on this blog, but there is still plenty to be covered...

Now once you understand these tools look at the needs of your business, what it wants to accomplish, and what tools will assist in the outcome. When we say you need a website we always point out that you need it because your business model as a real estate investor depends on obtaining fresh leads of buyers and sellers. The internet provides this and gives your prospects an easy way to get the information they seek, such as foreclosure reports, property listings and to find out who you are. I wouldn’t hesitate to declare that having an investor website is a root tool to moving forward online.

However, when it comes to the other tools mentioned it is important to see them as tools for what they are, tools, tools to accomplish something. If you’re going to use these tools you need to not only know how to use them for certain strategies, but understand why these strategies work in YOUR business. Copying and pasting other’s business models isn’t going to cut it, especially if you don’t truly understand how it works in your business. It’s perfectly fine to take lessons from seeing what others do and apply it where it is appropriate to your business, but you must recognize the need for the tool in your business before you drive yourself nuts by using the wrong tool for the wrong job.

All these tools can produce results, but if you took anything away from this article I would want it to be that you need to learn about tools, but when it comes to your real estate business please be sure that your business decides what tools are appropriate and to not let tools tell you how to run your business.

http://www.mikejacka.com/Blog/post/2010/01/29/Real-Estate-Investors-Need-To-Start-With-Back-Page-An-Online-Classified-Site-Primer.aspx If you feel the same way as we do, let us know below by commenting on this post.



Best Websites Blog4/11/2010

iluvwii153@ymail.comThis is an awesome guide. You have covered a lot and these are some great points to keep in mind.

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