The Accumulation and Preservation of Wealth set is the only legal course that takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how the rich use the law to make money. There are two sets of laws–one rich people use and one everybody else uses. If you are going to be rich you have to learn the insider secrets of how the law makes you money. This course shows you how to save thousands in legal fees and fully protect yourself, your family, and your business. Only a small number of people–the smart people–ever learn the secrets to shield their assets from attack. In today’s litigious society, you could lose everything you have worked your whole life for because of something your kid, your employee or your tenant does. 62% of bankruptcies occur becomes a family member gets sick. That’s all it takes, and your nest egg is gone.
Attorney Lee R. Phillips is a nationally recognized expert in financial and estate planning. He is a counselor to the United States Supreme Court and holds licenses in law, real estate, and insurance. His company, LegaLees Corporation (established in 1983), specializes in solving asset protection and tax problems for high net worth individuals. Lee is an engaging, dynamic speaker and has spoken to over a million people throughout the United States, Canada and the Pacific Rim helping them understand the law and how to use it to their benefit. His ability to present critical information in a clear manner has made him a highly sought after guest on hundreds of radio and television shows. Author of nine books, Lee has served on the editorial boards of professional publications and been a regular author for several columns including Broker News and Physician’s Money Digest. His book, Protecting Your Financial Future, is a Time Warner Book-of-the-Month Club selection. It exposes the legal “loopholes” the rich use to make more money. He is one of the most sought-after speakers in the U.S. today on the subject of asset protection, tax, business structuring, and estate planning.
Use the “Tools of Wealth” and legal strategies Mr. Phillips will teach you, so you can make more money and protect yourself.
LegaLees LLC • 556 East 1400 South • Orem, UT 84097 • 801-802-9020 • 800-806-1998
Strategies Mr. Phillips Will Share
Mr. Phillips, Counselor to the United States Supreme Court and US Federal Tax Court attorney, will give you the legal strategies for asset protection and the IRS that he has developed for his wealthiest clients. Imagine being able to use the power of the law to make more money and keep what you get.