Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Real Estate Articles

Holofractal Universe | By: Ron Orr

Holofractal Universe

By: Ron Orr Jr.

In real estate investing you want to connect and align with people who have the same mission of growth as you.

To get scientific…you want to become a vibrational match known as a construct when two frequencies of the same wavelength meet, the size of the frequency doubles. It's called constructive interference. This is why we get energy from being around certain people and why being around others might drain you. When two frequencies don't match, it's called destructive interference, and nothing happens.

There's no resonance, no law of attraction, no peace, no freedom. This is why we need to become a vibrational match to our desires to attract them into our life. Becoming a vibrational match activates constructive interference, and therefore, the law of attraction. The way we talk to ourselves every single day directly influences our vibrational frequency.

To align, there are different realities available to you in the quantum field. The one that aligns with your vibration is the one that manifests in your 3D. Your subconscious mind controls your vibration. Not only that, but it has also almost exclusive control over your thoughts, feelings, and habits, which control your actions. Your actions control your results.

90% of your behavior is habitual. Most of the thoughts you think today are the same thoughts you thought of yesterday. To align your vibration with the frequency of your desire, you must change the paradigm in your subconscious mind and become the version of you that already has what you desire. You must develop the thinking patterns of this version of you, the habits, the emotional state, and the overall mental state of this version of you. You don't attract what you want, you attract who you are.

You basically must change your consciousness. For example, if you want to manifest wealth, you cannot be in poverty consciousness. If you say and feel I cannot afford that, your subconscious mind will work out ways so that you won't be able to afford that. What you focus on is what will come back to you in abundance. If you focus on poverty, you will get an abundance of poverty.

In real estate you are constantly planting seeds that create the environment around you.  Let’s explore this…

this following part gets technical and deep, so slow down as you go through this explanation of the different dimensions that we live in and perceive.

“Holofractographic Nature in Dimensions:

1D: A single point containing the seed of all complexity, representing infinite potential in a singular form.

2D: Simple fractal patterns begin to emerge, each line & shape reflecting the whole.

3D: Fractal structures & holographic properties combine to form intricate, self-replicating patterns in space.

4D: Time itself becomes a fractal, with each moment reflecting the entire timeline.

5D: Each potential timeline branches fractally, with every possible choice & outcome containing the whole of existence.

6D & ABOVE — not for us to innerstand...

-SEEK ONENESS on Instagram 

So, it’s very important that your real estate investing environment, systems and network of real estate people that you create all align.  Let’s review that on a very deep level.

“Holofractographic properties ensure that each part of the dimension reflects & contains the whole, creating a coherent & self-similar structure.

The holofractographic nature of the simulation emphasizes the principle that every part contains the whole. This interconnectedness is vital for creating a coherent & unified ‘reality’ where every fragment of the simulation reflects the larger structure. In a holofractographic construct for consciousness, each individual experience or entity is a microcosm of the entire system, ensuring that all parts are intrinsically linked. This principle fosters a sense of unity & coherence, making the energetic experience an interconnected web/womb of existence…

Holofractographic properties ensure that patterns repeat at various scales, from the smallest particles to the largest cosmic structures. This self-similarity creates a consistent & predictable (yet, malleable) framework within the simulative experience, allowing for the emergence of complex systems & structures. The intricate fractal patterns in the visual representation of the holofractographic nature of ‘reality’ resonates with ancient symbols of interconnectedness & infinite complexity. The concept of “Indra’s net” in Hindu & Buddhist philosophy, which describes a vast net with a jewel at each intersection reflecting all other jewels, mirrors the self-similar & interconnected nature of fractals. Each part contains the whole, reflecting the universal principles of holofractography…

The holofractographic nature of the materialized experience ensures that information is integrated & accessible at all levels. Because each part contains the whole, accessing one part of the simulation can provide insights into the entire system. This accessibility is crucial for learning & evolution, as it allows consciousness to tap into the collective wisdom & knowledge embedded within the fractalized codex of the simulative experience. By innerstanding the holofractographic nature of ‘reality’, individuals can gain a more holistic perspective, enhancing their ability to navigate & influence the simulation; as true co-creator within the construct— aka the simulacrum…

A realm built upon these 3 dimensions: our “Plasmatic Universe”, our “Etheric Network” & our “Holofractographic ‘Reality’”— 

@seekoneness on Instagram

This following video transcript is a reply to a statement by Lao tzu from the Tao Te Ching about 

“Practice not doing and everything will fall into place.”

“I see this as being dependent on where you are. If you're in the throes of programming, doing nothing will absolutely illuminate your programming, and that inertia will be stopped in its tracks. A very good thing. If you deprogrammed a very large amount and your kind of in the phase of building something new, then you're going to be called to step into your masculine directive energy, and you're going to be asked to move boulders. But, again, that's dependent on your mission and what you're coming here to do, what calibrations you're coming here to do.

I tend to see balance on every level. So, at every level, there's a doing and there's a not doing. There's an observation and a doing. This oscillates back and forth to create the momentum of our life and our path itself. We receive light and data and information into our body, which will upset the programming already there, and then we deprogram, we purge, and then that new light integrates all throughout our system.

And then we do, and then we repeat over and over. So, I see void spaces. I see doing spaces as always, a part of the equation, But I see I see what he's saying. And I think if you're, again, if if you're in the throes of programming, absolutely. It's probably best to just lay down your arms and observe for a while.

@theyeshuani on TikTok 

A lot of people in real estate investment have memories that they need to integrate into the present to create a new future.  They need to let go of old economic beliefs.

“How do we attach ourselves to higher frequencies? 

How do we connect with higher frequencies?

By detaching from lower frequencies, it'll happen automatically. So, in other words, we're such a high frequency being that we then identify with our body. The body is attuned to and part of the local environment which is low frequency.

Then once you identify with the body, you're going to identify with what the body produces, thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the experiences that the body has, sometimes traumatic. So, all that lowers our frequency greatly. So, if we detach or no longer identify with the physical body, the identification with the physical body is the foundation of our egoic identity. So as we start to detach from identification with the body, our frequency will actually just start to rise. We're naturally a supremely high frequency being.


We don't have to do anything to raise our frequency.”

-RJ Spina

Think about how you are creating your physical real estate investing world around you.

I found this on TikTok…

“God is consciousness

Not a creator. God is the source of creation itself.  It (not he or she) IT is not independent of you.  It is the totality of everything.  When I call myself God I am not talking about my personal self.  I am talking about the God self that rests inside of me.  The verb…the energy…not the noun.  Once you think God is a noun, person, place or thing, you separate yourself from it and immediately become a limited being.  That’s what separates the believers (religious) from the knowers (spiritual).  Collectively we are God.”

@gr8d3 on TikTok

Be present in real estate investing and be receptive to learning…

Here’s an excerpt from a Bruce Lee interview about energy and focus

Bruce Lee: …” keeping the continuity going bending, stretching, everything, you know, suppose, you know, I mean, you just keep it moving

Speaker: it's like a ballet dancer there

Bruce Lee: yeah, it is I mean to them, you see the ideas, running water never grows stale. So, you got to just keep on flowing. This is what it is. Okay?

I said empty your mind.

Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash.

Be water, my friend.”

You must be open to the bigger possibilities in real estate investing and a world beyond what you can see, imagine what is possible.

Dr. Joe Dispenza being interviewed by Lewis Howes

Dr. Joe Dispenza: “The probability that we're seeing the truth of reality is 0.”

Lewis Howes: “Wait, wait. What does that mean? Say that again, what does that mean?”

Dr. Joe Dispenza: “The probability that you and I are perceiving all of reality is 0.

We are looking at a small frequency of light, the spectrum of visible light, red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, violet, that rainbow of light, that's a small spectrum and a huge electromagnetic field, right? All those different frequencies, we got this small little bandwidth. Look in a physics book, or any book, or Google it, and you'll see the wavelength of light, this tiny little band in this huge number of frequencies there are in the universe. That's that small band of frequency, the light that's coming from the sun, the light that's coming from these lights, there that light is bouncing off the most stable form of energy.

In this room. Right? It's matter. Yes. It's the most stable form of energy and it's fooling us into the illusion of separation.

So now, I'm consciousness, you’re consciousness. How do I know I'm consciousness? Because I'm aware, right? But in the three-dimensional reality, right, I'm conscious, but what I'm conscious of also is me, of me.

And everything else that exists in three-dimensional reality, I'm conscious that I'm separated of. I'm separate from the cameras, I'm separate from you, I'm separate from this table.”

Here is an example of having infinitesimal faith at the seed fractal level in real estate investing as to the environment that you will eventually create around you as it is all connected.

“His presence acts as the cosmic fulcrum a zero-point where the divine and material worlds converge, much like the concept of quantum superposition, where multiple states exist simultaneously until observed. Christ's presence isn't just a mark history; He altered the spiritual fabric of existence, creating a ripple effect (quantum entanglement), where events before & after mirror & influence each other across time and space.

In this supersymmetric design, spiritual movements like Buddhism and the teachings of the sons of Abraham are reflections of the same underlying divine truth. Quantum physics shows us that the universe operates not in isolation but in deeply interconnected ways just as Christ's life and message became the spiritual singularity from which multiple religious traditions found their resonance. Christ's presence at the zero-point unified all paths to God, transcending linear time and space, as if His life was the observer that collapsed the wave function of human spiritual potential into a more coherent and enlightened reality. What may appear as distinct religious movements-Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam— are, in truth, entangled threads in a single, divine tapestry, all echoing the sacred Truth He embodied.”

@thespiritofomon Instagram 

Everyone is at a different part in their real estate investing journey and we can align with each other at the right divine timing.

“Every one of our timelines is our own timeline. As we observe ourselves in recognition of another, the closest that you can possibly get to somebody is not to become them, but to become intimately close with them so these timelines start to merge. When we merge our timeline and the timeline of another, and we do that in a resonance of consistent self-love, that's when miracles start to happen. This is why the covenants of masculine and feminine and community and friendship are so important. When we can bridge those timelines in a process of unification to where they collapse into each other, we create a world of unified change.

It doesn't mean that we're not diverse and that our own timeline is not our own, but it means that we honor and respect as we observe the consciousness of ourselves, and we project out the space time reality into the world of another as they observe us back. When we do this inconsistently, we know ourselves and such truth. We will create miracles from this aspect of recognition. Know the miracle of yourself. Stand in the truth of your creation, and people will see you as a miracle in their life.

Thank you, and I love you.”

-Sean Clayton

Real estate investment and the economy is emotionally going to be challenging for many, so let’s review the big picture here.

“Polarity, a universal law not to be fought but understood, mastered. Now picture a circle, center point expanding, edges forming, opposites emerging. Every point on the rim has its opposites. Together, they form wholeness. External world, it's a dance of opposites, good and bad, joy and sorrow, light and dark.

But the illusion, getting lost in these extremes, choosing sides is missing the point. True mastery is finding the center, the origin points where all polarity spring from. You are not the extreme; you are the center. You are the choice creator of the circle. From that center, see both sides, understand their necessity, the interconnectedness.

Good needs bad. Happy needs sadness. They define each other, complete each other. Judgment fades at the center. No good or bad, no better or worse, only wholeness.

These universal laws guide us inward. Rhythm, polarity, gender, and karma all lead to the center. You are not a victim of opposites. You're their source, their witness, their master. Thank you, and I love you.”

-Sean Clayton

Here’s how our intentions influence the energy of the quantum field around us that our intuition is connected to beyond our limited 5 senses.

“You think of an object as existing in a location. We don't think that way. We think that location is a property of the object. So, if you change the locational variable in the energy equation of an object to another locational variable, the object has to stop existing at the first location and simply immediately start existing at the second location, not actually having traveled the intervening distance, just disappearing from one spot and appearing in another. The idea is that we have described an experiment to test this out for yourselves.

The idea of taking something that has very little friction, very little mass, like a hollow conductive ball of steel, of copper, and putting it on a very flat table, as flat as you can make it, is at least 10 feet long, putting it at one end, and with whatever technology you have, making it resonate to the point where you can read its entire energy equation. Then move it to the other end of the table, take another reading, and see if your technology is sensitive enough to tell the difference between those two frequencies because there should be a difference. If you can measure the difference, then what you can do is put the object back in location a, and you can overwhelm it with a vibration of location b. It should start rolling down the table and stop at location b, thus proving the principle that we're talking about, how things will resonate to certain locational frequencies. We have described this experiment to several people on your planet.

To date, no one has done it. Although, on the other hand again, we will only go so far until we know that you are ready for more, because it would be the equivalent, let's say, of handing a child a nuclear weapon.


This part where Bashar talks about the subject of higher consciousness beings making contact is important because we learn with divine timing when we are ready to hear the right message at the right time.  In real estate investing you are often planting seeds with your marketing messages to different audiences at different times.

“The answer on wondering why don't they land? Why did they just reveal themselves? Now Bashar has explained that a lot of civilizations that are more advanced, more integrated than ours operate on a very high frequency level of energy. And because we tend to compartmentalize things in our consciousness because we give into negative definitions, fear-based definitions, our energy is kind of erratic, random, and sort of a lower frequency often. And he likened the idea to gears.

So, a higher frequency race will operate like a fast-spinning gear and a lower frequency civilization will be like a very slowly turning gear. And if you jam those 2 gears together too quickly, you'll strip the gears. They must be more synchronized before you can put them together. So basically, the way Bashar showed me this is in a dream, I saw his ship land, and I saw him get out, and I saw him walk toward me. And as soon as he got, I don't know, maybe 10, 20 feet away, I suddenly lost my identity, and I saw my body through his eyes as if I became as if I was absorbed by him.

And he said, see, that's why. It's like our energy is so much more overwhelming at this high frequency than yours is that it can overpower your sense of identity. You're not fully integrated enough to sort of hold your own. So, we are delivering information to you in the way that we are so that you absorb it at your own rate. You change at your own rate when you're ready to integrate.

You upgrade your frequency when you're ready. And when you upgrade your frequency enough, when you kind of meet us halfway, then our energies will be harmonized and synchronized. And you won't experience this sort of loss of identity or give your power over to us. If we do it too soon, too prematurely, we're not really doing you any favors. We'll be very disruptive to not only your society but to you as an individual.

So the more you change, the more you grow, the more you become more of yourself, the more you'll be like us, the more compatible we'll be vibrationally, and the more we can interact physically, and that's when contact will occur.”


How important is it to have faith and conviction within yourself by investing in real estate?  Let’s look…

“Science has proven there is no time and space, whether it's the Nobel Prize from 2022 or Nicholas Gissom's study in 1997. We recognize that everything happens in an instant, that all of creation from a space time perspective disintegrates after 10 to the negative 32nd centimeter and 10 to the negative 42nd second. Thus, one thing we must understand is that all of consciousness, all of creation, all opportunities is a self-generation cycle that's constantly repeating itself over and repeatedly, looking for the consistent tone and rhythm of unity. The harmony that it seeks is only through the opportunity of chaos and entropy. As we understand and gain wisdom off of the expansion of the universe being an entire experiment of collective understanding and that we are the choice makers that have been given the gift to observe consciousness and the life from the perspective of self, then at which point, what we have the ability to do is collapse that wave function into a concept of unity by collectively coming together as oneness and then creating this opportunity of ascension so that we no longer suffer from this aspect of an illusion that has kept us entrained.

Now is the time to move past that. And whether we must continue to punish ourselves through the concept of what's taking place outside of us so we can remember it within, we collectively come together in an aspect of unity in the spiritual awakening. Everything ends and begins at the same time. And it happens in a concept of love because we choose to remember it now. We will rise together, or we will rise apart, but no matter what happens, it'll all be the same.

The choice is the balance of how we go about doing this. If we are ready, let's share this message with those that we love. Find the answer within yourself. Remember it collectively, and it's time to love as that which has loved us. Thank you, and I love you.”

-Sean Clayton

"For truly I tell you, if you have faith in the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20-21).

It’s important to give space and awareness beyond thought to let new real estate investing paradigms sink in when you are learning.

“Human intelligence has a very serious limitation. That limitation is that it is a scanning system which is linear. It examines the world in lines. That's why our education takes so long. We must scan miles of lines of print.

Now the universe does not come at us in lines. It comes at us in a multidimensional continuum in which everything is happening altogether everywhere at once, and it comes at us much too quickly to be translated into lines of print, and that is our limitation so far as the intellectual life and the scientific life is concerned.”

-Alan Watts

More proof that your seed vibration, emotions, thoughts and habits are what you will create with the real estate investing environment around you.

“God's plan explained. The reason God has a plan in modern terms is that everything's an algorithm and pattern of conditioning. You grew up with certain DNA from your parents and your parents' parents and certain environmental conditioning and human conditioning and biological conditioning of how you act, how you react, how you function, how you move, your desires, your likes, your dislikes, all of that could be considered a pattern. You break that pattern down into frequencies of geometry and frequencies of sound within the molecules and atomic particles of your entire being, and all of those frequencies are creating geometric patterns, sacred geometry. All of that is pattern.

All of that essentially is mathematics. All of that essentially is a complex fractal of an algorithm. And that algorithm technically is God's plan. It is literally mapping itself out based on your conditioning, moving from 1 fractal into 2 and 2 into 4, and all the mathematics, and duplicating, and triplicating, and quadruplicating into eternity. When you can actually dive into those frequencies of that truth, that's when you can really see into the future of your conditioning based on seeing yourself clearly from the past, seeing yourself clearly in the moment, seeing yourself clearly in how you act to an experience, and seeing the potential paths of where you can go in one direction or another based on how you react.

That's all within God's plan. Much love.”

-Philip Attar

“It's the nature of your consciousness. You absorb light. You have little black holes right here, and they absorb photons, don't they? And you integrate what the photons are telling you, and then you feed, and each one of your atoms is connected to the vacuum. You feed back the information to the vacuum through your actions, and the universe feeds you back your reality.

Alright? And it's coordinated with everybody's reality because we're all in the same field.”

-Nassim Haramein 

“I look at the mathematics I've written and the concepts that these, mathematics bring, it shows that within every proton, every subatomic particle in the nuclear of atoms is all the energy, all the information of all other atoms in the universe. So, when we go inwards is when we connect with that oneness, with that connectivity of all things.”

-Nassim Haramein 

“The bible is right. The Quran is right. We're living in a creation. Now the method of creation is something called a fractal holographic universal matrix.

Fractal mathematics talks about the fact that they discovered this one fractal code, which is a very small mathematical formula that can create everything that exists in the known universe, and Pixar took that code and imported it into their cartoon or their animation software. They were the first ones to do it. They were able to create entire movies from one formula. The animation, the movements, the characters, the background scenes, the sky, the mountains, and all that, it's being created on the fly as the program code needs it. And to discover that's the same exact code that's creating everything we need in this universe.”

-Billy Carson

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