Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Minnesota Real Estate Investors Association, Inc.

Category: Internet Marketing (3 articles found) - Clear Search

Marketing Monday


Where Do I Start?

There are many ways to market in real estate, including:

  • Website
    A website is a powerful marketing tool that can help generate leads, establish authority, and communicate your unique selling proposition (USP). You can optimize your website for relevant keywords to attract more visitors. You get a free website through your MnREIA membership. Be sure to take advantage of it! Check out the How-To Videos to set up Your Free Website Today: See Tutorial Videos Here!

  • Social media
    Social media marketing can h

Top 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Investors Need Local SEO!


You’ve heard about SEO, but have you heard about Local SEO?  It’s not your fault if you haven’t, but if you don’t take this moment to begin building your knowledge of Local SEO you will only have yourself to blame.  This is where your attention should be if reason #1 has any meaning to you whatsoever... this is what you need.


Over the past year you may have noticed that a peculiar little box providing a map and local results are popping up more and more for real estate related terms.  It is most commonly referred to as “The 10-Box” and as you have probably noticed… this “10-Box” displays local results prominently on the first page of Google’s search results!

Below is an example of the first page of search results where we can identify 3 distinct areas when doing a search for the term “home buyers.” 

Google's Front Page Search Result Guide

The Auto Responder Marketing Guide For Real Estate Investing


Auto Responder in Action Interpretation

Real Estate Investing requires us to maintain a buyers list, seller leads, and other various prospects. Now that more investors are using the internet for real estate marketing investors need a way to maintain those lists in efficiently and effectively. This is where Auto Responders come into play...

When you are taking your real estate marketing online you will ultimately be obtaining emails that need to be catered to in certain ways. In fact, there are two major elements to any auto responder: On the one hand you have the auto responder itself which is a program that sends out a series of emails to a lead. This works particularly well for following up with seller leads leads because the actual content doesn't require any updating. On the other hand we have the broadcaster which sends out one single email blast to a list. This comes in particularly handy with buyers and investors that you will be updating with the most current content.

Finding quality information on using auto responders can be a daunting task. So what we have to together in this post is a list of recommended readings the will give you a great foundation for learning how to use auto responders.